
Why Mindfulness and Meditation Are Good for Business – Knowledge

You don’t need a personal guru or a trip to India to bring you inner peace. Perhaps you simply need to learn from Mirabai Bush, co-founder of the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society. Bush has worked with several businesses to teach people about the benefits of meditation and contemplative thinking. She has helped individuals… Continue reading Why Mindfulness and Meditation Are Good for Business – Knowledge

NewsDaily: Apps use brainwaves to guide, improve meditation

TORONTO, Mar. 5, 2013 (Reuters) — A new smartphone app aims to ease stress and guide users through meditation by monitoring brain waves that change as people become more relaxed. Transcend, made by the Canadian company Personal Neuro Devices, links the smartphone to a separately sold headset that records electrical activity along the forehead. “It… Continue reading NewsDaily: Apps use brainwaves to guide, improve meditation

Free Guided Meditation Tool | Care2 Healthy Living

  by Becky Stripe Have you been wanting to get into meditation but didn’t know where to start? There’s an app for that! Former monk-turned-meditation-guru Andy Puddicombe wants everyone to learn the power of meditation, and his Headspace project is all about helping people learn how to meditate. His Headspace app for iPhone or Android… Continue reading Free Guided Meditation Tool | Care2 Healthy Living